Comment on 0xconfig's profile

SilverWolfXZ's avatar
your art is so amazzzing xD Can you make some drawing tutorial with Azpainter, i really want to learn from it. Thank you. =w=
0xconfig's avatar
Thank you so muuchFlower dance  What do you want kind of painting style to learn? or just usage? I want to make tutorial for overseas if I have time!
SilverWolfXZ's avatar
some tutorials about basic shading/coloring/blending would be great ^^  im using azpainter 2.1.1 xD sketch and line are ok; but for shading/coloring i feel it's hard, especially with blur tool or finger tool compared with those tools on Mypaint or SAI (maybe becuz i dont know the right way :D )
More specific, i want to know how you color in "The testflight"
Thank you xD
0xconfig's avatar
oh sure. I don't use Blur and Finger to make normal illustration basically but I think try to write about these function's feature too!
I notify you if tutorial was completed so give me some time ;>
SilverWolfXZ's avatar
thank you soooo much :D
0xconfig's avatar
Hello againHi! ! I made AzPainter tutorial in my journal, please check it if you have time:D (Big Grin)