Comment on Vabla's profile

Vabla's avatar
KopaLeo's avatar
I hope you can draw more.
Vabla's avatar
I hope so too. Took a year off uni to fix my shit before it's too late.
KopaLeo's avatar
Oh. I'm currently in my "(psychiatric) medical leave" year off university as well.
Vabla's avatar
This is rather weird. The moment I submit the request, I find out that there's a whole bunch of people I know who did the same.
KopaLeo's avatar…

I would suggest that it's because
1. People of sad/depressed/gloomy/dark personality tend to associate with others of sad/depressed/gloomy/dark personality.
2. Such people tend to be less sociable, so they know less people, and the likelihood of a small sample of people all going through hard times is high (the smaller the sample size, the higher the statistical variance).

I know it's true for me. My friends are pretty troubled as me, and those artists that I think about tend to have sad/depressed/gloomy art styles.
I think I have counted at least three suicidal attempts among the artists I watch on dA (at least according to their journal pages).
Vabla's avatar
Oh, I'm only two months late to reply. Welp.

Doesn't quite account for the numbers. It's not like everyone I know is a student.

There are a few I suspect either aren't around anymore or basically left the internet. Not sure I want to find out.