Shaboomi-Barakuti's avatar
Just telling some one to stop isn't going to help them over come what they are dealing with ^^; (I have gotten this line too) Its better to try to help some one recognize what they are feeling and help them work through the process of re-building self worth. (I am grateful my husband has been working through things with me in this way, it make all the difference) I personally had to make a point of taking time to recognized small "victories" if you will. I will look at stuff I am working on and immediately hate it...but then I stop myself and say ok so I don't like this but you know what the hair is pretty good, or the eyes don't look half bad. Its not easy but If I keep at it after a while I can look at what I'm working on and say well I guess its not so bad. (this isn't easy and it takes practice) So don't be upset with yourself if it doesn't work right away. I hope this can some how help you out just a little. If not come back and we can brainstorm some more lol :)
UltimateCluckinbell's avatar
Oh... I'm glad you have your husband, I'd love to brainstorm anytime
Shaboomi-Barakuti's avatar
I am always here! And I hope things improve for you soon.