Comment on WonderLust02's profile

darkMaju's avatar
how you doin b? still darking those matters???
WonderLust02's avatar
Ye. In my Zero-Two's Adventure story too!
darkMaju's avatar
i have seen!! that is good to hear

keep on being cool dude 
WonderLust02's avatar
Ye! Love to hear your opinions.
darkMaju's avatar
lovely so far but could use more updates. art is hard thou so thats understandable 

02s grumpy aura always always puts me in a better mood  
WonderLust02's avatar
More updates? I understand that, that's why I'm making a paper book instead... to put my ideas.

02? He's grumpy because, Dark Matter always wants to be the nice one... and it'll leave him pretty jealous.
The laziness... is my idea... since his best personality is a Libra(which I am).
darkMaju's avatar
its cool you made them the same star sign as you ! i can relate to that a little bit with the way i make my darkmatter swordsmans personality 

keep up the good work Clap