warrobo's avatar
the ... one in the drama war NOT tito the other one
GoreyBloodyTeethArts's avatar
Lampy- :iconlampi01: Your not my boyfriend.There’s ANOTHER Alex I know RL.
warrobo's avatar
wow... well she said that she is THINKING about unblocking u
GoreyBloodyTeethArts's avatar
NEWFLASH: The damage has been what she did!Dtagged me RIGHT into the cross fire between the 4 month war she started it I had enough with it!I don’t want anything to do with it anymore!It’s a shame she hasn’t called the police yet I mean if I was her I could have called the cops on Grant and this war that had been going on 4 month would have been done and over with me and her would still been of friends.But no.She doesn’t want too!Once I get a new account I won’t add her because I don’t her drama fire killing my empire and hopefully she’ll have an understanding why I moved to another account.

It.Was.Because.Of.Her.4.Month.Drama.War.Between.Her.And.Grant.I want nothing to do with it anymore it’s pressuring me too much I had enough!I like to help my friends but not stuff like this if it took he/she/they 4 FUCKING MONTH AND DID NOTHING ABOUT IT!
warrobo's avatar
hey calm down
GoreyBloodyTeethArts's avatar
I’ll confront her about the damage she did to me!
warrobo's avatar
nyet nyet nyet take it easy all you will do is get yourself into more trouble