Comment on JOSHRAMBO123's profile

Drawbot908's avatar
Thanks for the favorite! any thoughts on the intro?
JOSHRAMBO123's avatar
Np! Btw what is the intro?
Drawbot908's avatar
You know, the extended universe vs. Disney canon, where I recreate the iconic star wars intro, except without the scrolling credits.
JOSHRAMBO123's avatar
Oh yeah . I liked the comparisons. Also I think one of the comparisons I’d like to see would be Rey vs Jaina Solo
Drawbot908's avatar
1. I see, maybe a catfight would be cool.

2. I mean this intro, the one you fav:
Star wars: Expanded Universe VS. Disney Canon
Here's one of the catfights:
Empress Teta vs. Vice Admiral Holdo
JOSHRAMBO123's avatar
Oh yeah

I remember
Drawbot908's avatar
So what did u think?