Comment on lorain05's profile

lorain05's avatar
Hello there! My goodness. It's been a long time since I last visited my DeviantArt account...
So much has changed hehe... I'm glad to hear from you, Tom. How are you?
Destro7000's avatar
You been away too long! Still doing your art?

Still living in PI, at home or with your sister in that flat place?

I'm good, just workin' for the family and doing art & gaming stuff when I get back home, saving to travel, etc! You?
lorain05's avatar
I know right?! Got busy with other stuff...
Yes, I still am. A bit here and there but not large
enough to call an illustration - mostly small-scaled doodles. 

I'm still living in the Philippines. I'm in my hometown right now
with my folks 'coz I'm still recovering from a major surgery
(I had ovarian cyst) Hopefully, I'll be back at the city where I 
work next week. (If my mom would allow me :P She's worried
I'm not yet fit for work after the surgery)

Good to hear you're still doing your art. :)
I see you've improved a lot!
Where are you planning to travel, btw?