TheonenamedA's avatar
You're welcome~ I've seen your work on Tumblr too ^^
Gypsy-Rae's avatar
Haaah yeah I think I remember seeing your tumblr account pop up on my feed the other day and I was all like "aww! That's sweet! Now where do I know that moniker from!?:heart:". XD  I'm honestly surprised people managed to track down my silly stuff over there. I thought I was out in the boondocks of Tumblr where none would find me.  I really did not expect anyone to actually like my overly-gaudy-totally-not-tolkienesque-lol-that's-so-not-like-Melkor-or-Mairon-you-dumb-broad art. Color me very surprised but delighted to please others with my drawn jackassery. ^__^

...sorry. I tend to ramble like a jackass too. .__.