Sniffeh's avatar
I vaguely remember the movie. I think I saw it when I was a kid.
kurisutaa's avatar
I actually haven't seen it, lol. 
I watched this top ten list about biggest plot twist endings and it was on there. 
I can't recall what place it got but it made me look the movie up which is how I found out
it takes place in 2022.
Sniffeh's avatar
Its an old black in white movie from the 50's. The type they would show
at drive ins. Have you ever seen Invasion of the Bodysnatchers? 
kurisutaa's avatar
It's from the 70s... Like 1973. The one I know is possibly a remake.
I've heard of that movie. Haven't seen it. 
Sniffeh's avatar
You are correct. It came out in 1973. My bad.…
kurisutaa's avatar
Oh no worries lol.