Hannn-ya's avatar
what's up dude
Hannn-ya's avatar
henlo owo

hey sorry i haven't talked to you in a while, i've been sorta down in the shitter myself ahaha

how's things going between you 'n Caleb???
Lifeistrange's avatar
That's ok haha

Good, I went in a overprotective bitch mode with someone that was flirting with him lol
Hannn-ya's avatar
o i saw the convo on Caleb's status post, don't worry man he's commited to you(i'd have a smol anxiety attack if anyone talked to my non-existent boo too though kekmo)
Lifeistrange's avatar
I know, I'm just a bitch if I see anyone flirt with him XD (aww, I had a anxiety attack yesterday when me and my class were going down a hill in the teachers four wheeled drive cause I'm so scared of heights lol)