LittleDustermoth's avatar
Yes yes yes. It's so nice to talk to a writer who agrees! So many people don't realise how much better things go from actually planning xD
Lambent-North's avatar
Absolutely, I feel the same way :D Getting readers invested in the characters is what I strive for, whether those characters have 2,000 words or 20,000. I'm really glad to hear you're of a similar mind, and if you don't mind me saying so, your stories really shine for it~
LittleDustermoth's avatar
Yaay it's so refreshing to talk to someone with a similar view. And thanks so much, dialogue is something I used to really struggle with, so it means a lot to hear that things are improving :)
Lambent-North's avatar
You're welcome :D We all have aspects of writing we struggle with, of course. What's important is perseverance, and from what I've seen, you have plenty of that~ I'd say the dialogue in some of your stories is my favorite part even :)