gloomy-cherub's avatar
cats are the greatest
but I wish I had a dog, too 

we also have two bunnies and some fishs <3

how about you?
STAG-KING's avatar
I have 3 dogs, 3 cats, 2 birds, n 5 fish!!
STAG-KING's avatar
i have 2 german shepherds and a sheltie 
a nebelung/tabby cat and just a regular shorthair tabby 
i have a parakeet and a canary 
and for fishies i have an algae eater, two bettas (not in the same tank!) a tetra, and a golden loach 
gloomy-cherub's avatar
Our Catboy is a normal European shorthair   Stray Catboy by gloomy-cherub

And the bunnies are both dwarf rabbits.

We have in our aquarium a bunch of neons, red-eyed salmler and danios
than also three asian algae eaters, only one chessloach, a coulpe of brown antenna catfishs and 9 amano shrimps. :3
STAG-KING's avatar
such a variety!!
gloomy-cherub's avatar
yep  it's a 240l aquarium 
how big is yours?
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