xDDDDDDDD btw just a thought: Hanzo is imho a copy of Ashe from LoL: scatter arrow = volley, sonic arrow = hawkshot,  and dragonstrike = enchanted crystal arrow
Knorry's avatar
Sonic arrow and hawkshot are similar I guess but otherwise not really if you look at it from a technical perspective :)
Sorry, I don't know what you meant with "technical perspective". I find both characters pretty similar in functionality. Of course the games are different (first-person-shooter vs top-down view, 3D vs 2D freedom of movement), but we are translating functionality from one type of game to another. I also find the other two abilities (volley and ulti) to be basically the same across both characters too (crowd-control volley, ult that reaches pretty far away). But I don't want to start an argument, it's fine if u think I'm wrong and you're right.
Knorry's avatar
Have a good day :)
Knorry's avatar
It's fine, we don't have to have an argument but I'll just state how I see it. I meant with "technical perspective" to look at how the abilities work.
The only real similarity volley and scatter has is that they deal damage and involve multiple projectiles. Volley arcs out from your character while the other scatters bouncy projectiles from the initial shot's landing point.
The only real similarity the ults have is that they travel in a straight line across the map and deals damage. Unless they've changed it so that crystal arrow pierces through enemies... it's pretty far off.
Hanzo has nothing to do with ice and a character with a bow.. goes without saying. 

One can make a really wide comparison between anything and based on some things say they are similar but in the end that would make a lot of things really confusing.

So that's that :)
So as I mentioned, no argument. Btw I would avoid any qualification of other's arguments as "wide comparison". Also, this is pretty off-topic from the main thread. I would appreciate if you leave this comment without reply, thanks for your words.