Masterbela5's avatar
The only way I can see this being bad if two roleplays are going on at the same time so it would be hard to multitask and see what the two roleplays are doing at the same time so yeah in the long run I think it would be confusing for awhile until you get used to it if that does happen but normally I dont think two groups would do that at the same time since your the owner of your own group you created speaking of that I have two groups I run at the same time but I technically have no problem with having two groups so if your really interested in joining multiple PMD groups try it and see how it goes
MegaMixStudios's avatar
*ahem* I appreciate your response, but.....there's this new thing: It's called "Punctuation". Try it!
Masterbela5's avatar
Sorry. I should stop making that a habit and actually put marks in my sentences!