sluggiebugs's avatar
I just checked it now, I figured out the problem :-B 

I guess they updated the page? Because I just noticed that yesterday...but I didn't see no problem with it :V but yeah the little pencil tool on the right is gone. I think you have to drag your picture into the folder you want it to go in? 
HedgieRose's avatar
I did try that, but it doesn't move it for me, it just copies it :U That's my main problem~
sluggiebugs's avatar
hmm. >:V it annoys me when they update shit. Because then it screws with you, and you have learn how to do shit all over again XD
HedgieRose's avatar
Yea right! Like, the old system was perfectly fine and easy to use on mobile and what not, but now we're stuck with this :v
sluggiebugs's avatar