Phoum-ew's avatar
yeah, but i usually refer to hermaphrodite as an "in between" thing , and not a fully sex,
and  by the definition of nonbinary, (the wish of transition to diferent gender)
sounds more like a mental/ psycological thing more than a biological thing.
AliStarLune's avatar
True, but it's not impossible, so I added it :shrug:
No, nonbianary is neither identifying as male or female (One of my close friends is this, mind you)
Well, gender is not always the same as sex
Phoum-ew's avatar
i wasnt saying impossible, it is possible,
but you gonna still have traits of your dominant sex (body type, way that the mind works , etc)
and yes, it dosent mean identifying as male or female, in that part i do agree with you and and i got wrong,
 is just i cant consider it a gender at all, it dosent have a lot of biological proof, and yeah, sex and gender arent EXACTLY the same thing,
nonbinary sound like a thing that is in your head, is saying youre something that scientificly dosent exist or cant be verified.
AliStarLune's avatar
I don't see why its's a bad thing ? Like, of course it's not a physical thing, but there are people who are not satisfied with who they are ? Like, some males want to be females, and some females want to be males. But some people don't want to be either one ?
Phoum-ew's avatar
My problem is that, theres thing you cant change in life with just saying it,
is like saying the sky is red when is blue,
if you want to be a diferent sex you can have a sex change,
or generally remove your sexual organs,
saying things wont make them happen, you have to make them happen,
thats my problem, saying youre female when youre not is not ok,
unless you actually have a problem, be cause theres people who dosent understand what ""gender issues"" are,
making seem people of the lgbt comunity bad.
AliStarLune's avatar
So just because someone can't physically be something, they can't identify as such ? That seems a bit harsh to me

I mean, if someone says, "I AM A STAR" then that's just stupid

But it's obviously normal to be nonbianary because so many people are
Phoum-ew's avatar
is just how i am and how i think, and yeah, i agree im harsh sometimes, 
but that how biological sex works, and how i see the topic.

and of course i will use the pronums, and the names i have to use, and respect them as people
as long the person makes an efort to look and act as the thing they identify and arent assholes,
and it is normal, is not wrong,  but neither is a good in its totally, is an insecurity, you live with it, or try to fix it.