FNOKitty's avatar
When the bloody heck did you take that out? (I love cute suff though, dun gudge.)
redhead-alex's avatar
someone posted a reply on their ask and it the person that was being ask being hurt by people, i pulled it out then. i never put it away (plus i like it out :3)
redhead-alex's avatar
lol. i love scythes for some reason. sometimes when i get mad or something i pull it out and call myself death (theres a little bit of my dark side, i could get darker :T)
FNOKitty's avatar
Oh, I like holding and weilding knives, they just make me feel safe...
redhead-alex's avatar
yeah, some one gets it! my scythe is my soul weapon, literally. one of my undertale OC's weapon is a scythe made from her soul