TotallyDeviantLisa's avatar
"Also, you can't say that someone's request wasn't creative enough simply because it doesn't receive as many comments as you'd like, maybe said people don't know the character or idea, doesn't mean that it's bad, just different from what they're used to. An idea being unpopular doesn't automatically make it uncreative, it's pretty ridiculous and kinda rude to imply otherwise."

:iconclappingplz: You, fellow deviant, have made some brilliant points! :)
NatariSaru's avatar
Thanks!   The same applies to OCs since I've seen her say similar stuff about some of the OC art she's done that didn't receive many comments...  I know she doesn't try to be rude, but she can come off that way if she's not careful.
TotallyDeviantLisa's avatar
I kind of react to things in a similar manner too, especially if I offend someone by accident or someone makes a nasty remark. :(