headstert's avatar
Jesus Christ... there is a reason why Scandinavians are top class people in Europe... I can count the good things we did in school with one hand:
1 Tablet project
2 Advertisements
3 Short movie about any topic (Guess what was mine. ^^)
4 Hacking our school for fun because I was pissed

That's it... Everything else was just planned 1800 bullshit.
TheOVJM's avatar
Tablet projects. D: I admit for someone who haven't had any of those
ever they might sound fun, but for me they are the definition of
insanity (pun intended :D). I can say without lying that about fourth
of all the work we do there are tablet projects and to be honest I'm
getting really tired of them. X)
headstert's avatar
Hehe, after three years I don't want anything else. I'm writing a full page in 3 minutes xD