TheKillingDancer's avatar
Okay listen closely kay Alex! ^^

First open the software, go to settings, then go to 'Broadcast settings' click on mode which probably says 'File Output Only' switch it to Live Stream mode, Put the streaming service which will say "Custom" by default to YouTube/YouTube gaming, then at the very bottom click Optimize to automatically set your "Keyframe Interval" to 4 seconds. And that is the basic of set up.

Now, in order to use YouTube, you must go to your YouTube channel click Video Manager, then click Live Streaming, put in all of the settings you want, then copy the server key which will be under encorder setup at the bottom), copy the pass into the box labeled Play Path/Stream key then save your settings! Then you should be able to live stream..

If this doesn't work try following this guy ->…
Alex-MMD-Studios's avatar
i dont see broadcast settings ;;
TheKillingDancer's avatar
Open the program, click settings and then there should be Broadcast settings under encoding and above video. If it's not then you're not using actual Obs and you're using something else.
Alex-MMD-Studios's avatar
can you send me alink for the right one then..? I dont see to have the right one ;;
TheKillingDancer's avatar
....Hmm, first can you take a screenshot of your OBS settings menu and send it to me via note?